Saturday 30 June 2012

God Mode in Windows 7

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Windows 7 is the best operating system among windows till now. Though previews of windows 8 tells us that it will change the windows user's experience totally. We are not in that discussion today.
Now I will tell you an interesting feature in windows 7. It's called GodMode. It is a folder where you can get all the customization features in one place. It's pretty cool no?

Now how to get this GodMode folder?

Follow these steps.
  1. Create a new folder any where.
  2. Rename the folder to GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} You can change word GodMode to any other word you like your name or your friends name.
  3. The folder icon will change ,then double click it to show the GodMode windows options.

That's all.

Hit like if you enjoyed. :)

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