Thursday 26 July 2012

Excel Password Protection - How to Password Protect a 2007/2010 Excel File?

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Excel documents have been very important for many people in their work or business. People use them to save and process important information and data. And some information and data is so important that people want to hide and password-protect them from any others.
Fortunately, Microsoft Office documents allow users to set passwords so as to prevent other people from opening the protected Excel files. Now I will show you how to set passwords to your Excel documents.
Follow the steps below:
1. Open the Microsoft Excel document you want to password protect. 
2. Click "File".
3. Click "Save As".
4. In the opening window, click the "Tools" option before "Save" button.
5. In the drop-down menu, select "General Options".
6. In the opening window, you are able to specify a password used to open and modify the file.

This is the way that most people use to protect their data and information in Excel files. It can prevent others from opening and editing the protected documents. But in my opinion, it doesn't guarantee 100% secure protection to your documents.
Firstly, the Excel document is still visible and can be seen by everyone who can use your computer. Although people cannot open and edit the Excel documents on your computer, they can copy them to USB flash drive or mobile hard drives. What is worse, the files can be deleted directly.
If people can see and copy your files, they will find a way to open them. If you do a search, you will find there are numerous services or software which can easily crack Excel files. If someone gets your files, your privacy and sensitive information will be completely exposed.
The Best Protection
The best way to keep your Excel files safe is to use professional password protection software. It can completely hide them from other people so that others cannot find nor copy the protected Excel files. Only when you enter the password to log into the software can you view and open the protected files.
There are many programs you can download and use on your computer. But you need to note that the performances of programs vary a lot. You need to choose the one that give you the best protection.
I advise you to choose the software that uses 256 bit security technology which is the most advanced and secure solution for you. The software integrated with the technology will completely hide, lock and password protect your important files that you want to protect. So you just need to choose one of these programs.
If you are not sure which one to choose, you can click here to use Easy Folder Lock. It is one of the best password protection software which hides and password protects your Excel documents and any other files. And you can click here to learn more about how to Password Protect Excel.

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