Sunday 5 August 2012

What You Need To Know About Google+ Local

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Last month, Google officially launched Google+ Local, formerly known as Google Places. Google+ Local presents its user with a whole new way of searching and sharing their favorite dining places, local hot-spots and any other businesses you can think of. The launch marked Google's first step in integrating the review site Zagat with its own product, since it acquired the company in September 2011. Though the integration process is in its initial stages, there are other changes that have been implemented by the company in Google Places to make it Google+ Local and this article outlines the major and vital changes.
New and Refreshing Look:
One of the major changes that are introduced by Google is the new and refreshing look, photos are moved to the top of the page and the business dossier stands out more. Now, you can also chat with people in your circles (who also have you in their circles) and if you want to change the circle to choose other people to chat with, you can do that easily by choosing privacy settings from the chat menu.
Easy Access:
In the beginning, people had to manage both Google+ Account and a Google+ Local Account separately, but now they can manage it from the single account as both Google+ and Google+ Local account have been merged into one.
Customer Review:
Customers having a Google+ account would only be able to leave a review for your business. Therefore, you need to ask your consumers to open a Google+ account and guide them by providing instructions and information on the new scoring system and while asking them for reviews.
Zagat Ratings:
You must have seen the listings in Google Places, and the new local listings is almost similar to that only, however, apart from some common features like contact information, images and reviews with ratings, it also possess one major difference i.e., the traditional way of rating via stars has been swapped with Zagat's 30 point rating system. In organic Google searches and on Google Maps, abstracts from the local listings can be easily seen but the web users looking to go through the detailed information and reviews need to sign into Google+.
Interact with your customers:
Now as Google+ Local has been merged with Google+, you can easily utilize the feature called Google+ Hangouts to interact with your customers and that too face to face.
Google Maps:
Another advantage of using Google+ Local is that when people will search for a specific service in a particular region and you also provide the same service in that region then your business will appear in Google maps for the relevant search. And, still you can control what information you share you're your probable consumers such as address, directions, phone number, days and hours of operation.
If you feel any trouble in creating and promoting Google+ Local page, which will eventually benefit you in your social media optimization campaign, then hire a perfect SEO company having an experience in social media.

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