Wednesday 5 September 2012

Facebook Has Allowed to Change the Custom Page URL Second Time

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As you keep in mind that Facebook has permitted to set customized mirror URL for the Information and Webpages several of season ago. At first they permitted individuals to set customized mirror URL and that was for the individuals who has started out their profile in certain time interval.People was so much thrilled getting this chance.

So much concerns came out to know how to set up Facebook customized mirror URL.Later on Facebook put the limitation of your energy and energy frame.May be they enforced this limitation to prevent hosting server over-crowding.You know profile was unpleasant to see with a big number. However customized mirror URL is so much eye-catching,small,good-looking and of-course memorable.

Later Facebook also given probability to web page administrators to set customized URL to their pages. But that interval there was a limitation and which was you must have 25 lovers of your web page to set customized mirror URL.This limitation also put by Facebook. Now you can set the customized login name of your web page soon after development of your web page.

Previously Facebook did not allow web page administrators to modify their pages customized login name. So if you had set your web page URL incorrectly, you had no choice to modify that name.So you had only choice and that was remove your web page, reduce all your lovers and then make a new web page, then gather new lovers.It was like center splitting.

Now Facebook allows web page administrators to modify their pages customized mirror URL for second time. Please keep in mind that you can modify your Page's customized URL only once. So you have to be cautious when you are prepared to modify the Page's login name.

You can modify the Page's login name by following actions -

1) Log into your Facebook Consideration.

2) Choose your web page. Like www dot Facebook dot-com/your web page URL.

3) Click on "Edit Page".

4) Click on "Update Info". After simply clicking "Update Info" a conversation box will appear.

5) Click on "Change username".

6) After simply clicking "Change username" you will be advised to modify the login name.Enter your recently preferred name into the box and then click "Check Availability".

7) If the new name is not taken yet, it will be persuaded to validate the modify.

9) If you like new name, click "Confirm" choice. If you do not want to modify the present login name, then click terminate choice.

You have efficiently modified Facebook Page's Custom URL.

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